Juls Bindi

Life is not meant to be a constant battle with sickness, sadness, and depression. To truly live, we must seek out health and happiness as our primary focus. It’s not an easy path, but it is a worthwhile one. Allow me to show you that a life of joy and vitality is within your reach.


Home made almond milk. Almonds, Recipes, Nutrition & Food and Drink

Almond milk

Homemade almond milk:


Nut milk bag (optional) BUY HERE

1 1/2 cups RAW  ORGANIC almonds

Drinking water (non-tap)

1. Soak raw almonds in a large bowl to 8-12 hours. If possible change water after 4 hours.

(This process is called blanching. The raw almond skin has harmful tannic acid and enzyme inhibitors. People complain of digestive problems when they eat raw almonds. Blanching improves digestion and gives the almond more nutritional value.)

2. Empty leftover water and remove the almond skin. (The trick is, to slide your fingers in an opposite direction to split the almond in half. The skin comes right off.)

3. Put blanched almonds in the blender with 4 1/2 cups of drinking water. Blend until smooth.

(Ryan and I drink our almond milk right from the blender. If you don’t like the consistency continue reading)

4. Place sprouted bag in a bowl, pour blended almonds in nut milk bag. Squeeze bag to extract the fresh milk.

If you don’t like to get messy, find a jar and fasten the nut milk bag around the mouth of the container with a rubber band. Pour all the milk into the container and let it drip through the bag into the container. Run your daily errands and within 1-2 hours all the liquid should be strained.

Place in glass/ container and store in the refrigerator. Should last 3-4 days. When it tastes sour, sorry to say your milk is done for.

Do not throw away almond pulp!!! You have fresh almond butter and can use the leftover pulp for homemade cookies. Yummmy!

Flavored almond milk

Follow the instructions above then add your flavor:

Vanilla milk:

  • add 1 vanilla bean (seeds scooped out)
  • 3-5 soft pitted dates

Sugar-free vanilla milk:

  • add 1 vanilla bean (seeds scooped out)
  • stevia to taste

Chocolate milk

  • add 2 tbsp raw cacao nibs or unsweetened cocoa powder

Cinnamon milk

  • add 1 vanilla bean (seeds scooped out)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • dash of nutmeg

Chai milk

  • add  1 vanilla bean (seeds scooped out)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp garam masala
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg

Holiday Nog

  • 1 banana
  • pinch of nutmeg

With any of these recipes, place milk back in the blender after strained. Then add extra inexpedience for flavor.

Almond Milk is not a substitution for babies. They will suffer from malnutrition and are likely to develop health complications. Breast milk is always best!

Enjoy your homemade almond milk and stop purchasing store-bought products with preservatives. You will notice the difference in taste and improve your health!


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