Juls Bindi

Life is not meant to be a constant battle with sickness, sadness, and depression. To truly live, we must seek out health and happiness as our primary focus. It’s not an easy path, but it is a worthwhile one. Allow me to show you that a life of joy and vitality is within your reach.


How can Arnica gel speed up your injuries, bruising and muscle pain? Homeopathic Medicine

On my trip to China I got a couple of massages. The first one was absolutley amazing and the other… Well lets just say during the massage my arm was in extreme pain!

I asked myself “Did she just break a tendon in my arm?” I know something wasn’t right but I was in China and wrapped my arm up in an ace bandage and waited till I returned to the states.

At the doctors they took an exray of my arm.

Arm ex-ray

Yes, now you all have seen my arm naked… *blushing*

Nothing was wrong structurally and the doctor told me I have a ruptured flexor pelicllous longus tendon. Lets just say that I will never forget that massage!

Ruptured tendon

Yep big bummer, but everything happens for a reason. Maybe  my body telling me to slow down and breathe a bit. The doctor says I shouldn’t use my right arm for about three weeks or longer so it can heal.

My physical therapist Brian, who is remarkable and I recommend him to everyone who needs any type of wrist, hand or arm therapy, made a small wager that I will over due it because I am constantly on the go and reinjure myself.  I’m thinking he said that as more of a mental note for myself since I am so competitive, but we will see Dr. we will see!

Hollywood Hands: 8600 3rd Street Suite 3b (310) 275-2130

So to get to the point I need to constantly ice my arm, keep it in a splint and put Arnica gel on it.

So what is Arnica gel?

Arnica gel

Arnica gel is closely related to the sunflower family. It’s a perennial herb tat grows in Europe, the northern United States, Canada and eastern Asia. It’s a daisy- like flower and root or rhizome which are often used in herbal medicines.

As an herb it can be taken orally or on the skin for wounds, infections and inflammation. The available scientific evidence does not support most of the claims about arnica’s effectiveness.

Either way, proven or not, I have been using it on my arm for the past three days and I feel it’s helping my arm improve. Mind over matter in some cases.

Tomorrow will be about all the benefits of arnica. Wish my arm luck, this woman needs to get going!


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