Get yourself on a juice schedule. Try juicing once a week all day long then go back to eating.
- Maybe some other day: Diarrhea remedy; Carrot, Blackberry
- It’s getting hot in here: Fever; Celery, Parsley
- Bile me later: Gall bladder; Radish, Prune, Black Cherry, Celery, Radish
- Bile be gone: Gallstones; Beetroot, Radish, Green Vegetables
- Planet Uranus: Gas; Coconut, Carrot
- Slow down: Gout; Celery, Parsley
- I love you: Heart; Carrot, pineapple with honey, Alfalfa, parsley
- Saving you for later: Indigestion; Coconut milk, figs, parsley, carrot
- Hello!: Infections; Carrot, Blackberry
- Goodnight: Insomnia; Lettuce, celery
If not eating sounds too difficult, eat regularly and after 2pm juice for the rest of the day. Try this method for a week and you will begin to see the results!