This kind of date is easy to get. Living in Los Angeles people always talk about what’s the next greatest beneficial food to start eating. Remember when everyone was talking about acai? I’m quite perplexed why dates haven’t yet been the talk of the town.
For years dates have been one of my favorite fruits. They’re delicious, easy to travel with and if your sugar levels drop pop in a date to see your energy spark back up. Some people find dates too sweet, but I can eat them with pretty much anything.
Did you know that it is traditional for Muslims to break their fast in the evening meal of Ramadan with a date first because of the high nutritional value that dates provide with minerals and energy?
Dates come from a Phoenix Dactylifera or called a Date Palm. There’s about 45 different types of dates, But the Amir Hajj, Saidy, Khadrawy and Medjool is some of the important varieties that are known for their superior quality.
Dates are really popular in the Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Italian and Greek cuisines. The date fruit is one of the oldest cultivated tree crops and has been grown for thousands of years. It’s not known where the first Date was cultivated but it’s believed to trace back to the Middle East.
Tomorrow I’ll discuss all the benefits and the nutrition you get from one date.